
SmartCine - The World's First Complete Smartphone Video Kit

Created by Movo Photo

An all-in-one video rig for any smartphone. A pro stereo microphone, LED light ring and set of wide-angle lenses in one compact package

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy Thanksgiving
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 06:23:10 PM

Thanks from MOVO Photo!

This year, we're thankful to have found such a wonderful community of backers to support us :)

We'll have a longer update for you after the holidays, until then we hope you enjoy the company of family and friends!


The MOVO Team

P.S. If you haven't completed your Backerkit Survey yet, don't forget that you can still pick add-ons or increase your pledge level! 

It's Time For the SmartCine Kickstarter Survey!
almost 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 05, 2018 at 08:53:26 PM

Survey season is upon us!

SmartCine with Telephoto Lens Add-On
SmartCine with Telephoto Lens Add-On

We’ll be sending out the official (and very important) Kickstarter order-fulfillment surveys over the next two days. These will be going to the email address associated with your Kickstarter account, so make sure you keep on eye on it!  

Look for an email with the subject line: “Response Needed". It will be sent from a "" email address.

We’ll need to collect the following info from you:  

  • Your shipping address  
  • Any add-on products you want to add to your order - at Kickstarter-exclusive prices! (Optional)  
  • Some short feedback to help us improve our future campaigns (Optional)  
  • You will also be able to change you reward level, if desired.  

If you have questions about the process, don't worry! We’ve done our best to answer the most common questions below. 

If you’re confused about anything, or it’s your first time backing a Kickstarter, take a look! If you still need help after reviewing this guide, you can always email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!  



As stated on our Kickstarter page, we plan to have all units shipped in January.

That date should apply to everyone who fills out their fulfillment surveys correctly and on time. With that said, we’ll be looking to ship everyone’s product as soon as possible, and we’re hoping to begin shipping some units in December. However, please be aware that December is the busiest month of the year when it comes to shipping. 

We’ll do everything we can to get your shipment to you as quickly as possible – but unforeseen issues, such as severe weather or manufacturing issues, might result in delays. We don’t anticipate this being an issue, but if anything does happen we’ll alert all effected customers as soon as possible and keep them posted on the status of their reward. 

For international customers, please note that passing through customs can sometimes result in significant delays. Be prepared to allow for several weeks delay.  


BackerKit is a 3rd party service that helps Kickstarter creators (like us) send out easy-to-use survey emails to backers like you. It also makes it easy for you to change your pledge level, or add exclusive add-ons to your order. 

BackerKit is a trusted provider that has helped hundreds of creators, and hundreds of thousands of backers, since the early days of Kickstarter.  


We’re sending out surveys in batches, to ensure there aren't any technical snags. 

It may take a couple days for your email to arrive, so check your inbox regularly between now and the end of the week. (Make sure you’re checking the right email account!)

The BackerKit survey will be going to the address associated with your Kickstarter profile. If you forgot what email address you use with Kickstarter, you can double check by logging in to Kickstarter, clicking on the icon in the upper right of the screen, and going to Settings > Account. If you don’t see your survey email by the end of the week, check your spam folder for “MOVO” or “Response Needed”  


Yes, and the BackerKit survey is your last chance to do it!

When you get the BackerKit survey, you’ll be shown a screen that looks like a web store. You’ll see the SmartCine, as well as the optional add-ons. This is your last chance to get these great deals at the exclusive Kickstarter price, so make sure you choose all the products you want! 

Adding items is very straightforward. You can add on whatever items you want to your reward. If the cost of those items exceeds what you pledged, you can pay the difference via credit card in your BackerKit survey. 


If you received a notification from Kickstarter that your payment failed, there's still one more chance for you to get your rewards at the Kickstarter price. You will still have a survey emailed to you, but it will show that you pledged $0. Once you receive the survey, pick the reward and add-ons you want, and then pay with a credit card. 


Enter the shipping address you’ll be at by the end of December. If you don't know what your address will be during that time we recommend not filling out your address yet. We’ll notify you before we “lock down” the survey answer. At that time you can go in and enter your correct address. 


Yes, it’s easy to change any of the information you entered in the survey.

Your shipping address, your product add-ons, and even your pledge level can be updated - until we reach the "lock down" date. When we are ready to start shipping, we will lock down the survey answers so we can pass that information to our fulfillment team. We’ll let you know before we lock down the survey so you can make sure all your information is accurate. 

Note that we cannot lock down surveys that are incomplete. You must fill out your survey in full in order for us to ship you your rewards. 


We’ll start shipping orders shortly after locking down the surveys. No need to worry about a thing – our team will take it from there and make sure you get everything you ordered!

What Else Is New?

 Don't Miss New Projects 

We’ve been lucky enough to work with our marketing partner Jellop on our last few campaigns (you may have seen their banner on the bottom of the SmartCine Kickstarter page). They do a great job getting the word about new products. If you want to hear about some of the great projects that show up on Kickstarter, make sure you sign up for their First Backer Newsletter

As a member of this growing community of Kickstarter backers, you'll get the scoop on amazing early bird offers and awesome freebies delivered right to your inbox. Click here, or on the banner below, to subscribe. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Across the Finish Line!
almost 6 years ago – Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 05:40:39 PM

We've done it. And we owe it all to you!

30 days, and over $59,000 raised. Thanks to your support we've been able to bring a brand new creation into the world. Our sincere thanks to each and every one of you!

So, What's Next?

You're probably wondering what the next steps are now. When will stuff ship? When do I select Add-Ons? Here's the low down on what you need to know!

When Do I Pay? How Do I Choose Add-Ons?

In the next two weeks, we'll send out a Kickstarter fulfillment survey. The survey will come through our partners at BackerKit who streamline the process to keep it simple for you. In that survey you'll choose any Add-Ons you want. You'll also provide your shipping info. You'll also have a chance to add additional items to your order at Kickstarter (but not Early Bird) prices.

That survey should go out within the next 2 weeks. When it does, you'll get an email notification from us - to the email associated with your Kickstarter account. We'll also post an update here. Keep an eye out!

How Long Do I Have to Complete the Survey?  

We recommend completing your survey right away.  The faster we get your responses, the sooner we can send your products! That said, there's no hard time limit to surveys. If you don't know what Add-Ons you want, or are unsure what your shipping address will be in January, you can wait and complete your survey later. 

Of course, we can't ship your reward until you fill out your survey - so make sure you complete it as soon as you can. A few weeks after the surveys go out, we'll let you know when we will begin "locking down" responses, and when we will start shipping out products.

When Will My SmartCine ship?

As stated on our Kickstarter page, we plan to have all units shipped in January. That date should apply to everyone who fills out their fulfillment surveys correctly and on time.

We'll also be sending out an update every week or two, to let you know how things are going.

Once again - accept a HUGE thank you from everyone here on the MOVO Photo team!

Final Hours!
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 10:02:20 PM

As of right now, there are only a few hours remaining in the SmartCine campaign. We're inching our way toward $60,000 and we'd love your help in making one final push to end this project with a bang. If you know anyone who might be interested, but hasn't backed yet , please share our project and let them know this is the last chance to get a hold of our amazing Kickstarter offer!

BackerKit & Add-On Items

All backers will receive the the furry windscreen - but what about our other amazing stretch goals? 

The good news is that we'll be making these available as add-on purchases through BackerKit after the campaign ends. You'll be able to add any of the following onto your purchase:

  • Wireless Bluetooth Remote - $12.95
  • SmartCine Telephoto Lens - $29.95
  • Lightning Connector to 3.5mm Adapter Cable - $39.95
  • USB-C to 3.5mm Adapter Cable - $39.95

We'll also be using BackerKit to collect your shipping details and help fulfill your orders. Stay tuned for more info on that soon!

Less Than 72 Hours Left - and a new Stretch Goal on the horizon!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 11:08:18 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.